Basic ballet moves for beginners
Basic ballet moves for beginners

She was also a guest coach and Master Class teacher for the USA Royal Academy of Dance Challenge in Long Beach, California in 20. Geraldine was a guest coach and Master Class teacher in Toronto for the Canadian Royal Academy of Dance's Dance Challenge in 2018, 2019, and 2020. Geraldine also ran her own Royal Academy of Dance School in New Zealand before studying at the Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theatre in New York City. She has studied with the Royal Academy of Dance in London to become a teacher and taught for the Kudo School of Ballet in Yokohama. Geraldine toured through New Zealand, Australia, Japan, and Korea as Jammes in Ken Hill's Original Phantom of the Opera.


Geraldine Grace Johns is a Professional Ballerina and the Owner of Grace Ballet in New York and Los Angeles. Professional Ballerina & Ballet Instructor

  • This is similar to a squat but you have your heels together and your toes pointed out.
  • It's the same move, except that you lift your heels off the floor.
  • After you can do a demi plié, move on to the grande pliés.
  • Work on finding your balance by going through the moves slowly pause in each one until you feel you have a stable connection to the ground then slowly move to your next position or move. Try not to become dependent on the barre for balance. Remember the barre is only there to help if and when needed. At home, your makeshift barre should be slightly above elbow height.
  • Always start with lightly placing a hand on something to help stabilize you.
  • basic ballet moves for beginners

    You can hold onto a ballet barre or the back of a chair for support if you need it.So, with a demi-pliè, you will only go a quarter to a half of the way down depending on the style of ballet. Squeeze your muscles in as you come back up. Bend your knees and slowly lower your body down toward the ground, keeping your heels flat on the floor. Lift your arms out in front of you and form them into an oval. Get into the first position by standing with your legs together and your toes pointed out. Professional Ballerina & Ballet Instructor Expert Interview. Hold for 30 seconds, then switch legs.ĭo demi pliés in first position. Lift 1 leg behind you and grasp the top of your foot with your hand. Stand up straight with your legs together and hold onto a chair for support. Stretch your quads: Your quads are the front of your thighs.Lean forward and reach between your legs as far as you can. Do a wide-leg stretch: Sit on the floor and spread your legs out in a “V.” Point your toes up into the air.Go down as far as you can and try to touch the floor. Hinge forward at your waist and reach down to the floor. Do a forward bend: Stand up straight with your feet together and your toes pointing forward.Here are some stretches to try: X Research source Once your body's warmed up, stretch your muscles so they're ready for your ballet moves. Stretch your muscles after you're warmed up. This article has been viewed 317,089 times. This article received 14 testimonials and 91% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. WikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Geraldine is a contract Practical Teaching Supervisor for the Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies for the Royal Academy of Dance. Grace Ballet Los Angeles has won recognition as one of 13 Best Ballet Schools in Los Angeles since opening her school.

    basic ballet moves for beginners basic ballet moves for beginners basic ballet moves for beginners

    This article was co-authored by Geraldine Grace Johns and by wikiHow staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA.

    Basic ballet moves for beginners