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Easytime gray multi easy spirit clog

easytime gray multi easy spirit clog

The real climax of this story occurs a thousand feet or so in the air. “A Flight,” by Edith Orr, is an aeroplane story, the scene of which is laid at one of the great aviation meets in France and concerns a noted airman and a society woman who insists on going up for a flight. “ Jerry,” by Barry Benefield, is the best description of a Southern lynching that we have ever read-a story that is one continued thrill. Mencken continues his trenchant, satirical articles on “ The American.” In August he will describe the American’s language-the form of speech of the strange individual he has picked out as the typical American. In the midst of the struggles between the followers of the new creed and the adherents to the old gods, a charming love story is woven. “The Fellowship Oath,” by Ernest Starr, takes us back to the earliest days of Christianity in Northern Europe.


This series is being widely accepted as revealing the true inwardness of the Great White Way. Those who have read his preceding stories realize that here is a writer who knows hisīroadway and is presenting it shorn of its usual glamour and artificial adornments. “Miss Fortune” is George Bronson-Howard’s next story in his “ Pages from the Book of Broadway” series. Louise Closser Hale, whose novelette, “ Her Soul and Her Body,” in this magazine,made such a hit last year, contributes to the August number a story of French seaport life, “Strong Women,” which recalls the situation immortalized by Hawthorne in “The Scarlet Letter.” On the chances of discovery hinges his career as a “star.” How a railroad wreck intervenes to work out the domestic salvation of the pair makes a story of thrill and provides a climax of tremendous surprise. This story concerns a popular actor and his secret marriage to a woman with whom his manager is also in love. “Her Reputation,” the complete novelette in this issue, is by Beatrix Demarest Lloyd, a writer whose work has always enjoyedimmensepopularity among readers of The Smart Set. A picture that the reader will carry impressed upon his brain for many days. Here is no pandering to timid sentimentalities, but a grim, brutal presentation of a picture of present day family life in certain quarters of our large cities. “The Inn of Youth,” a story of the in-tensest realism, by Julius Grinnell Furth-mann, will lead off the August number. THE August number of The Smart Set will follow hard on the pace set by the four previous issues, which have high-hurdled all the conventional bounds that mark off the course of the usual conservative American periodical. MARK LEE LUTHER, TreasurerĬopyright, 1913, by John Adams Thayer Corporation YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION $3.00 SINGLEĜOPIESĒ5ĜENTSĮntered at New York Post Office as second class mail matter Issued monthly by John Adams Thayer Corporation JOHN ADAMS THAYER, PresidentĔ52ğifthĚvenue, New York, N. THE MONKS AT CHOIR TIME Florence Wilkinson. THE RUNAWAY HANDKERCHIEF Richard Le Gallienne.

easytime gray multi easy spirit clog

THE SIN EATER CHARLES CHISHOLM CANTILEVER: “BEST Ruth Comfort Mitchell. National Motor Vehicle Co., Indianapolis, Indiana )22 Broadway, New Yorkđ384ěedfordĚvenue,ěrooklyn


It is called “ National 40,” and it is free to you-send for it today. We have an intensely interesting book which tells the whole story. Truly, the National is a car of superb power, luxurious comfort and graceful beauty-Sold at a remarkably moderate price. She has splendid reserve power and perfect mechanical construction at her command. She goes at will, in comfort, safety and privacy, shopping, calling, to the theatre, anywhere. She has immediate, quick, convenient control of the entire car. She touches another button for the electric lights.

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She touches one button and starts the motor. She steps directly from her home into her luxurious National. The National as a “Button Car” appeals to every woman It’s a car I’ll feel satisfied to have you or the young folks run, because, it’s really a ‘ button car.’ ” //' It’s dependable, safe, easy to control, simple to run, and comfortable. “Mother, this is the car for you and the family.

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For Conservative People-who want the best, who will pay only a price commensurate with quality -this is the car of reliability, safety and luxury.

Easytime gray multi easy spirit clog